Are Clients Clicking?

Blog Post: Are Clients Clicking
Utilizing data analytics to get access to information that can drive online traffic.

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Google Analytics is a service, provided by Google, that allows companies to track users on their website. With Google Analytics, any business can access information that will give them further insight into different solutions that can improve their online traffic. It is important for brands to use analytics to track all the trends available to help get their ads in front of the people that will eventually buy their product.

Premier Consulting has used and continues to use Google Analytics for all our clients. For our clients, it is helpful to have this data visible on the backend of your website as well. We highly recommend the MonsterInsights WordPress Plugin. MonsterInsights has over 100 million downloads and the data is linked directly to Google Analytics so you can track your website visits and conversions right from your website!

We use analytics for businesses that need to see how much or how little traffic they are bringing into their website. Through Google Analytics and many other tools out there, you can track the active users and see how many people viewed the website in the past week, the past month, etc. It also allows us to see the user’s demographic information. This gives us an idea of who we have been targeting in campaigns. We can see the social traffic platform from which they are being brought. Are we bringing the people we have targeted through Facebook or Instagram to our website or are they a new demographic that we have never seen before? Based on the information Google Analytics gives us about the audience, we can make changes to better define our audience. The Premier Consulting team is seeing results and our clients are receiving more sales. It’s a win-win.

One service that Google Analytics provides is it allows you to see the conversion rate. This is important information for the client. When potential leads want more insight on why people aren’t staying on their website and buying their product or service, Google Analytics through MonsterInsights is a great tool to use. Let’s say there are nine out of ten people who visit and then leave your website. One person leaves after making a couple clicks, another person leaves after scrolling down the page a little, the other exits the website after he put a clothing item in his cart, and the rest left after viewing the home page for a couple seconds. This is called bounce rate. Bounce rate is when a percentage of visitors go to a website then navigate away from it after seeing one page. A good bounce rate is 25% or less. The lower the bounce rate, the more customers you’re keeping on your sight. It is important for your website to be user friendly (UX) and look appealing ‘above the fold’ so that your visitors are intrigued and staying on the site. People now a days are impatient and if they don’t have what they need on first page, they will leave. That could be as simple as having a call to action ‘above the fold’. For example, buy now or subscribe here. Premier Consulting wants to increase that conversion rate number and we use Google Analytics as one way to help us.

Google Analytics can track a website’s conversions to see why people aren’t putting an item in their cart or pressing the ‘buy now’ button. We can track why people aren’t clicking on something, we can see the point to which they are scrolling before they exit, what they are clicking on and more importantly what they aren’t clicking on. The team at Premier Consulting finds out what needs to be fixed and we fix it. We use the tools that Google Analytics provides us to make a client’s website more user friendly (UX). We want to make sure we are targeting people that are staying on your website and staying interested in your product or service that you provide so hopefully they bring you a sale. 

Some more interesting features that Google Analytics offers is that we can see returning customers and new customers. We may run a campaign for our returning, loyal customers and run another campaign focused on targeting new customers. Each is very important depending on our objective. We can also see the user’s technology through Google Analytics. We can see whether the user is using Chrome, Safari, Firefox, etc. and if they are viewing the website through a desktop or mobile device.

If you are a business owner or work for a company that you feel could benefit from utilizing this information on Google Analytics to their advantage, I advise you to consider using the analytics. By following these trends, and making changes accordingly, your company will soon begin to soar.

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